Friday, 18 January 2013

see one, do one, teach one.

The interns here run the show- so they are newly qualified doctors at Fy1 level equivalent in the uk- they are a lot more hands on as medical students but still don't have much experience.  They will look after labour ward, do c-sections and see new patients all with little or no senior input.  The senior interns ( 3 months into the job) will often teach the new interns how to manage patients and also often how to operate, so i have been trying to teach while on labour ward and help them with c- sections as well as just generally supervising them a little more so that bad habits aren't passed from one intern to the next.  They also have no organised/ planned teaching sessions. 

So i've been thinking of organising intern teaching sessions and had one today which went well :) Iam basing my teaching sessions on the Life saving skills- essential obstetric and newborn care course run by the liverpool school of hygiene and the RCOG.  We started today with Basic life support/ resuscitation- basic but hopefully these skills and future sessions will help save lives :) It would also  be good to get the midwives involved too- if we learn together we may work better together as this is a real problem.   Here's hoping they find it useful and that future sessions go well! 

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